Commission of Inquiry Into Matters Releating to the Death of Neil Stonechild



April 29, 2003

Commission of Inquiry into Matters Relating to the Death of Neil Stonechild Standing and Funding Hearings

The following applications for standing and funding have been received by the Commission and will be heard by Mr. Justice David Wright commencing at 10:00 am on:

April 30, 2003 at the Delta Bessborough Hotel, Battleford Room, 601 Spadina Crescent East, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Applications for Standing and Funding will be heard in the following order:

Name of Applicant Legal Representation
Stella Bignell Semaganis Worme & Missens

Mr. Don Worme

Constable Larry Hartwig McDougall Gauley

Mr. Aaron Fox

Mr. Christopher Boychuk

Constable Bradley Raymond Senger Cuelenaere, Kendall, Katzman & Watson

Mr. Jay Watson

Saskatoon Police Service City of Saskatoon

Solicitor’s Office

Mr. Barry Rossmann

Saskatoon City Police Association Walker, Plaxton & Co

Mr. Drew Plaxton

RCMP Department of Justice Canada

Mr. Bruce Gibson

Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Mr. Silas Halyk 

Ms. Catherine Knox

Two tables have been set aside in the hearing room for use by the media. A media box will be provided. Space has been set aside for cameras.  The camera must be set up and ready at the time the hearing is called into session and it is not to be removed from the tripod at any time while the hearing is in session.  The camera is to remain in place until a break in the hearing.

For further information, please contact:

Joel Hesje
Commission Counsel
Commission of Inquiry Into Matters Relating to the Death of Neil Stonechild
1020 – 606 Spadina Crescent East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 3H1
Ph: (306) 933-8306
Fax: (306) 933-8305


©   2003   The Wright Commission